AB514-ASA2, s. 68 15Section 68. 29.863 of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-ASA2,16,20 1629.863 Endangered and threatened species. No person may take from the
17wild, introduce, stock, release into the wild, exhibit, propagate, rehabilitate, hunt,
18trap, kill, sell, purchase, transfer or engage in any other activity related to a live wild
19animal that is a threatened or endangered species unless the person is in compliance
20with s. 29.415.
AB514-ASA2, s. 69 21Section 69. 29.865 of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-ASA2,17,2 2229.865 Damages for taking wild animals. A person who hunts, traps, kills
23or takes from the wild a wild animal subject to this chapter on land subject to a license
24issued under s. 29.857 without the permission of the license holder or of the holder's
25employe or agent is liable to the license holder for any damage that the person causes

1to any wild animal that is subject to the license or to any property or land that is
2subject to the license.
AB514-ASA2, s. 70 3Section 70. 29.867 of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-ASA2,17,5 429.867 Local ordinances. A city, village, town or county may enact and
5enforce an ordinance relating to possessing or selling live wild animals.
AB514-ASA2, s. 71 6Section 71. 29.869 of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-ASA2,17,11 729.869 Seizure of captive wild animals. The department may determine
8by rule the conditions under which the department will seize captive wild animals,
9including any wild animal involved in a violation of ss. 29.853 to 29.871 or any rule
10promulgated under ss. 29.853 to 29.871, a dead or diseased wild animal, an escaped
11wild animal or a wild animal held in an inhumane manner.
AB514-ASA2, s. 72 12Section 72. 29.871 of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-ASA2,17,17 1329.871 Inspections. (1) Departmental authority. For purposes of enforcing
14ss. 29.853 to 29.869 and the rules promulgated under ss. 29.853 to 29.869 with
15respect to a person who is required to have a license or maintain records under s.
1629.855, 29.857 or 29.859, a conservation warden or representative of the department,
17upon presenting his or her credentials to that person, may do any of the following:
AB514-ASA2,17,1918 (a) Enter and inspect any land, vehicle, building or other structure where live
19wild animals are possessed or where carcasses of wild animals are possessed.
AB514-ASA2,17,2120 (b) Inspect any equipment, materials or other activities related to the wild
AB514-ASA2,17,2322 (c) Gain access to and inspect any records required to be kept under s. 29.855,
2329.857 or 29.859.
AB514-ASA2,18,224 (d) Investigate and inspect any wild animal or any other animal to be
25introduced, stocked or released into the wild. Inspection under sub. (1) (d) may

1include the removal of reasonable diagnostic samples from wild animals for
2biological examination.
AB514-ASA2,18,4 3(2) Times for inspections. An inspection authorized under sub. (1) or (4) may
4be conducted during any of the following times:
AB514-ASA2,18,55 (a) Normal business hours.
AB514-ASA2,18,76 (b) During the time that the person who possesses wild animals or carcasses
7of wild animals is conducting business.
AB514-ASA2,18,88 (c) At any time, if the inspection is necessary for public health, safety or welfare.
AB514-ASA2,18,12 9(3) Prohibiting inspections. No person required to have a license issued under
10s. 29.855, 29.857 or 29.859 or an operator of a vehicle for such a person, or employe
11or person acting on behalf of such a person, may prohibit entry as authorized under
12this section unless a court restrains or enjoins the entry or inspection.
AB514-ASA2,18,15 13(4) Inspections of introduced or stocked animals. Only persons determined
14by the department to be experienced in wildlife disease may remove diagnostic
15samples and diagnose diseases under sub. (1) (d).
AB514-ASA2,18,18 16(5) Taxidermists. For an inspection of a taxidermist's place of business, this
17section does not apply and the department shall conduct the inspection as authorized
18under s. 29.136 (7).
AB514-ASA2, s. 73 19Section 73. 29.99 (9g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-ASA2,18,2220 29.99 (9g) For the violation of any quarantine requirement promulgated under
21s. 29.855 (2) (e) or any quarantine order issued by the department, by a forfeiture of
22not more than $1,000.
AB514-ASA2, s. 74 23Section 74. 895.57 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
24is amended to read:
1895.57 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to any humane officer, local health
2officer, peace officer, employe of the department of natural resources while on any
3land licensed under s. 29.573, 29.574, 29.575 or 29.578 29.857 or designated as a
4wildlife refuge under s. 29.57 (1) or employe of the department of agriculture, trade
5and consumer protection if the officer's or employe's acts are in good faith and in an
6apparently authorized and reasonable fulfillment of his or her duties.
AB514-ASA2, s. 75 7Section 75. 943.75 (3) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
8is amended to read:
AB514-ASA2,19,169 943.75 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to any humane officer, local health
10officer, peace officer, employe of the department of natural resources while on any
11land licensed under s. 29.573, 29.574, 29.575 or 29.578 29.857 or designated as a
12wildlife refuge under s. 29.57 (1) or employe of the department of agriculture, trade
13and consumer protection if the officer's or employe's acts are in good faith and in an
14apparently authorized and reasonable fulfillment of his or her duties. This
15subsection does not limit any other person from claiming the defense of privilege
16under s. 939.45 (3).
AB514-ASA2, s. 76 17Section 76. 951.01 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-ASA2,19,1818 951.01 (1m) "Conservation warden" means a warden appointed under s. 23.10.
AB514-ASA2, s. 77 19Section 77. 951.015 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-ASA2,19,25 20951.015 Construction and application. This chapter shall not be
21interpreted as controverting any law regulating wild animals subject to regulation
22under ss. 29.853 to 29.871,
the taking of game as defined in s. 29.01 (4) to (7) and (10),
23the trapping of
wild animals, the use of live animals in dog trials or in the training
24of hunting dogs
under ch. 29, or the slaughter of animals by persons acting under
25state or federal law.
AB514-ASA2, s. 78
1Section 78. 951.09 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-ASA2,20,10 2951.09 (title) Shooting at caged or staked domesticated animals. No
3person may instigate, promote, aid or abet as a principal, agent, employe, participant
4or spectator, or participate in the earnings from, or intentionally maintain or allow
5any place to be used for the shooting, killing or wounding with a firearm or any deadly
6weapon, any domesticated animal, as defined in s. 29.853 (3), that is tied, staked out,
7caged or otherwise intentionally confined in a man-made enclosure, regardless of
8size. Nothing in this section prohibits the shooting of any wild game in its wild state
9or the shooting of game birds and waterfowl at licensed game farms or licensed
10shooting preserves.
AB514-ASA2, s. 79 11Section 79. 951.15 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-ASA2,20,1412 951.15 (5) For purposes of enforcing this chapter as to wild animals subject to
13regulation under ss. 29.853 to 29.871, a conservation warden has the same powers
14and duties that a law enforcement officer has under this section.
AB514-ASA2, s. 80 15Section 80. 951.16 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-ASA2,21,5 16951.16 Investigation of cruelty complaints. A person may apply for a
17search warrant under s. 968.12 if there is reason to believe that a violation of this
18chapter has taken place or is taking place. If the court is satisfied that probable cause
19exists, it shall issue a search warrant directing a law enforcement officer in the
20county to proceed immediately to the location of the alleged violation with a doctor
21of veterinary medicine, if the court determines that a veterinarian is necessary for
22purposes of the search, and directing the law enforcement officer to search the place
23designated in the warrant, retaining in his or her custody subject to the order of the
24court such property or things as are specified in the warrant, including any animal.
25For purposes of enforcing this chapter as to a wild animal that is subject to regulation

1under ss. 29.853 to 29.871, the warrant may direct a conservation warden to act as
2provided in this section.
The warrant shall be executed and returned to the court
3which issued the warrant in accordance with ss. 968.15 and 968.17. This section
4shall not affect other powers and duties of law enforcement officers or conservation
AB514-ASA2, s. 81 6Section 81. 951.18 (4) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-ASA2,21,167 951.18 (4) (a) 2. A sentencing court shall require a criminal violator to pay
8restitution to a person, including any local humane society or county or municipal
9pound or a law enforcement officer or conservation warden, for any pecuniary loss
10suffered by the person as a result of the crime, including expenses in keeping any
11animal that is involved in the crime. This requirement applies regardless of whether
12the criminal violator is placed on probation under s. 973.09. If restitution is ordered,
13the court shall consider the financial resources and future ability of the criminal
14violator to pay and shall determine the method of payment. Upon the application of
15any interested party, the court shall schedule and hold an evidentiary hearing to
16determine the value of any pecuniary loss under this paragraph.
AB514-ASA2, s. 82 17Section 82. 951.18 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-ASA2,22,518 951.18 (4) (b) 1. A sentencing court may order that an animal be delivered to
19the local humane society or the county or municipal pound or to a law enforcement
20officer if a person commits a crime under this chapter, the person is the owner of the
21animal that is involved in the crime and the court considers the order to be
22reasonable and appropriate. A sentencing court may order that an animal be
23delivered to the department of natural resources, if the animal is a wild animal
24subject to regulation under ss. 29.853 to 29.871 and the court considers the order to
25be reasonable and appropriate.
The society, pound or officer shall release the animal

1to a person other than the owner or dispose of the animal in a proper and humane
2manner. If the animal is a dog, the release or disposal shall be in accordance with
3s. 174.046 (8) or (9), except s. 174.046 (8) (a) does not apply and the fees under s.
4174.046 (8) (d) do not apply if the expenses are covered under s. 951.17. If the animal
5is not a dog, the society, pound or officer may charge a fee for the release of the animal.
AB514-ASA2, s. 83 6Section 83. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB514-ASA2,22,167 (1) Approvals continued in effect. A license or permit issued under section
829.255, 29.535, 29.55, 29.573, 29.574, 29.575, 29.578 or 29.585, 1995 stats., shall
9continue in effect under those statutes, rules promulgated under those statutes and
10the terms of the license or permit until December 31, 1999, or until the department
11of natural resources requires a new license under section 29.857 of the statutes, as
12created by this act, whichever is earlier. Sections 29.087 (1), 895.57 (3) and 943.75
13(3) of the statutes apply to lands licensed under sections 29.573, 29.574, 29.575 and
1429.578, 1995 stats., until December 31, 1999, or until the department of natural
15resources requires a new license under section 29.857 of the statutes, as created by
16this act, whichever is earlier.
AB514-ASA2, s. 84 17Section 84. Effective date.
AB514-ASA2,22,1818 (1) This act takes effect on January 1, 1999.